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Dear Comrades,


The 2024 summercamp will take place 8-14th July in Poznan, Poland!

The event will be run by and for comrades from various anti-authoritarian communist/anarchist traditions and practices. This will be in accordance with the Common Platform adopted following the 2023 summercamp in Varna.


We will be:

  • publishing inputs, minutes and reports on this website

  • open to organised intervention by participating groups, which shouldn't be denounced as 'leninism' or 'vanguardism'

  • aiming at more coordinated collaboration of groups between meetings

  • in the long run, appreciation of a certain formalisation of the international meetings (platform, certain internal formal decision-making structure, public intervention as an international coordination).


/// Technicalities


The summercamp will meet from 8th-14th of July, but the main four discussion days will be from the 11th to the 14th. There will be informal gatherings and time to settle in, catch up and meet new faces during the first half of the week, so we recommend people try and come for the whole week to make the most of it.


We will cook together at Rozbrat and there are two options in terms of accommodation. People can stay in tents, cars or dormitories at Rozbrat or sleep in hostels nearby.


For those people staying at Rozbrat, accommodation and food will be 20 Euros a day. This includes food. Any surplus will go towards helping others with travel costs and for the maintenance of Rozbrat social centre. If you are staying in a hostel, costs will range from 10 Euro a night for a dormitory bed to 25 euros a night for a double room, plus 10 Euro per day for food at Rozbrat.


Please answer the following questions to as soon as possible to help us planning the meeting:


* Will you attend and when do you plan to arrive / leave?


* Do you prefer sleeping at Rozbrat a hostel space, if so, do you prefer a dormitory, a double or single room?


* Do you need car / van parking space?


* Do you want to bring children and would you need help with child care?


* Do you need translation, and if so, for what language?


* Do you need financial help for travel or accommodation?


* Do you know other groups or individuals who you think might want to attend? - please introduce them to us first before passing on this invitation.


* In terms of the discussions and workshops at the meeting, do you have any suggestions or contributions?



/// Content


Summercampers themselves provide the content. We encourage everyone to submit workshop proposals.


You can also find the inputs and minutes of the workshops from last year's meeting in Varna 2023 here.


There is no fixed agenda yet, but we have decided on four main focal points for our discussions. As usual, if you have any material or thoughts to share, please try to send it early on, so that people have time to read.


We will organise Zoom meetings in the run-up of the meeting in order to prepare the content more concretely - if you want to participate, but are not on the beachcommunists-mailinglist yet, please let us know and we include you.


* For an equal summercamp / Discussion on Patriarchy and Collectivity


We want to discuss the impact of patriarchal relations on political organisations and struggle. We also want to debate together the question of 'what is the summercamp and what is its aim'.


* Militarisation / Imperialism


We want to discuss the accelerating drive towards war including the development of the bloc confrontation and the ongoing military escalation in Ukraine,the Middle-East and elsewhere. We will also invite presentations on  experiences of opposition to the spreading militarisation. Further workshop proposals are still  welcome. There will also be a chance to discuss the differences that emerged when talking about  the issues of war, states and working class responses. This will allow us to confirm or amend the section on Internationalism in our Common Platform.


* Strikes / Crisis


We cannot yet predict the development of inflation, crisis and the strikes. Rather than listening to regional reports - which can be read beforehand - we want to discuss politically about the current strikes and their material context. Depending on who attends the meeting we can discuss sectoral focal points, such as current situation of struggles at Amazon or in the health sector. We also suggest to continue the debate on the ecological crisis. Again, workshop proposals on these issues are welcome.


* Organisation / Transition


We will try to deepen the discussion that we started in Varna. Comrades from Notes from Below have just published a magazine issue on communist / organisational strategy, which could form one of the focal points of discussion. Other angles could be historical, e.g. in the form of a presentation on the revolution in Portugal 1975, based on a new publication. Comrades also volunteered to present first experiences of starting a political newspaper at two hospitals which focuses both on day-to-day struggles and the question of transition. Further suggestions are welcome.



1. There will be a 'care team' that is responsible and accountable when it 
comes to sexism, other types of discrimination and sexualised violence; 
it has the power to decide that people can no longer participate.

2. Speaking time is limited (the people who give the workshops decide 
how many minutes).

3. Sexist or otherwise discriminatory comments will not be accepted.

4. No touching without consent! What does that mean? Outside of everyday 
greeting situations, please ask whether (physical) contact is desired by 
the other person. This can only take place if an explicit 'yes' is given.

5. The facilitation consists of three people: two are responsible for 
the flow of content, one person makes the list of speakers and limits 
the speaking time. The lists of speakers is prioritised (women and all 
those who have not yet spoken are given priority).

6. If you have signed up for reproduction work and are unable to attend, 
please organise a replacement.

7. It is welcome that people say their pronoun, then everyone knows that 
it is important to the person.

Apart from these rules, our aim is to create a good atmosphere in which 
everyone dares to speak up about things that are not going well.


With revolutionary hugs and greetings,

The Organising Committee xx





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